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The LifeWay
Released in July 10th, 2003 at Euskal Party 12
Code and scripting
3D models



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The LifeWay is the next step in the evolution of our demoengine. This time we put a lot of work in the particle engine and used several tricks to give the impression of using tons and tons of particles when there were really only about 1000 of them at the same time on the screen.

The party version was very buggy, so a new version was developed a few days after with improved and new sections, a more stable demokernel, effects and sections.

Kolian optimized the code that decides what is rendered in the screen and when. This allowed us to take a higher control over what was being displayed, helping to improve the complexity of some scenes (visually).

With this prod we also started to change the effects in order to be reused in the future. Until now all the code was more or less new in every prod, but as this took a lot of effort for every release a change was necessary.

Enjoy it! :)
The paths Gears The greetings The explosion Rotating rings
Airplane in the sky Zen Paths in the emptyness Keep an eye on the past the LifeWay

© 2000- by Spontz - After years we look back and recommend you to STEP OUT OF THE DEMOSCENE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE