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Spontz Layers Editor
Used for the design and creation of Spontz .shader files
The Layers Editor was the first application we designed. It came even before the visuals editor. The purpose was the designing of .shader files, that represent the instructions for the representation of a model in the screen. A .shader file defines the lists of passes needed in order to achieve the required result.

The most interesting features are:

• 3DS and LWO direct loading with textures
• Radial Blur and Glow preview in realtime
• Glow and Blur preview in realtime
• High pass filter and scene color desaturation
• Several rendering modes, including normals and bounding box
• Textured Bump Mapping support
• Object rotation and zoom using the mouse

For the texture-based bump mapping support, the only requirement is the fact of having an special bump texture (with the RGB colors matching the unitary normal direction of the reflection vector) you can get with most of the 3D rendering software out there, like lightwave or 3D studio.

There are
MacOS X and Windows versions available.

Please note that this project won't be active anymore, because the realtime preview implemented in the
visuals editor
made it obsolete.

Wireframe and glow Model without effects Model with glow and environmental mapping Model with glow and high pass filter Model with environmental mapping
Model with radial blur Model with radial glow heavy Radial Blur Enhaced contrast model Model with radial blur, glow, and environmental mapping

© 2000- by Spontz - After years we look back and recommend you to STEP OUT OF THE DEMOSCENE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE