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   Wimpy   1995   El susto de vivir   
Released in June 27, 2007 at La leche film festival (Santander, Spain)

1995 from Iván Fernández on Vimeo.

Santiago Días de Villegas
Pedro Rubén Fernández
José Ramon Andrés
iván Martín
Marcos Fernández
Isidro César Marcos
Félix Agudo

Iván Fernández
Santiago Díaz de Villegas

MP4 version

This is the first movie I remember to participate in. It was in Santander, in 1995. As we didn't have money to pay an assurance, all the film was shot in a garage and interiors. The film was never ended, and the script was continouisly changing because the actors were continously altering it. So, every scene depends a lot of the actors involved in it.

The film itself hasn't very much sense. There are fights, dialogs and people suffering... I think it's like an american movie, but in black and white.

From here I would like to thank very much all the people that participated in the film, because they trusted me even knowing that we were creating a masterpiece of shitness :) Anyway I can't avoid to smile when watching it again.

Félix, interpretando a un estudiante judío que perdió sus ojos en Jerusalén, insulta a su asesino mientras sostiene un cuchillo matador José Ramón espera la señal de su compinche para maltratar a un indeseable más Sosteniendo la escopeta de su padre, Marcos asesina impunemente a su compañero ciego Iván lanza una señal a su compinche para indicar que un nuevo indeseable se aproxima
Santi repara su maltrecho cuerpecillo tras un nuevo altercado en el garaje Pedrolas se prepara para entrevistar a Chidri, su mentor Interpretándose a sí mismo, Chidri instruye a su lacayo en los misterios del anillo, su parte del cuerpo preferida. Pedrolas sonríe sólo con pensar las vejaciones a las que someterá a su siguiente víctima

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